Lock the doors and thieves will come. Let the doors opened and they will be afraid to enter.by the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

In relationships ... many of us .... would really want as our partners to interact with less people as possible.

Only if it is really urgent ... and ideally for a very short time.

I know it sounds as a nonsense .... but i really saw that many, many times.

I've also realised ... we dislike ... that we are seeing our partners socialising also with other people.

... even with the people from their work, family ... or those persons who used to be closed to them.

And the question is .... why?!

Why we don't allow that to happen?!

Why are we afraid of?!

Do we really believe that someone will come and steal our partners?!

Somehow is like we have a house with lots of protections against the thieves .... and we are always living with the fear that someone would come ... and rob us.

Yes ... we really act into the same way.


Nowadays ... is indeed ridiculous ... cause our partners could easily socialise on the phone ... with anyone would want.


Well ... maybe we are too afraid of influences of the external world.

Maybe ... we are much too afraid as all those people to not change ... the energy of our partners ... and not be anymore who they used to be.

.... that soul ... we adore.

But ... on the other hand ... we can't imprison them.

We need to allow a certain type of romance books.

... at least to socialise.

Maybe ... just from time to time.

And ... of course ... stop being afraid.

In fact ... stop being and acting ... ridiculous.

Being into a pure connection with our partners ... is just amazing .... but no matter how much we would try ... we can't cut interactions ... and all the connections we need to have with the real world.




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in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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